Avant Garde e Supplement Overture 1. upplement Times q>This document uses the digital paper format developed by No Hands qDSoftware . It includes an imbedded Common Ground MiniViewer, which *7Kallows you to view and print this document even though you may not own the *6-fonts or application used in its preparation. Zapf Dingbats Viewing This Document Use the various )g. menu commands to view the document on-screen. Printing This Document q/To print this document in its entirety, select File>Print Avant Garde Overture Supplement Table of Contents Introduction New Features: The Score Window Times The Setup Track Dialog Box D.................................................................... )Automatic Display for Whole Measure Rests !................................. Show Abbreviation J.......................................................................... Flat Beams W....................................................................................... 'Extending Accidentals to End of Measure 0................................................ Set Stem Height Dialog Box E..................................................................... Meter Font a................................................................................................. "Automatic Double Bar at Key Change 5..................................................... Beat Charts ^.............................................................................................. Global Activation with Shift Key 2.................................................. 16th Note Resolution E..................................................................... Trill Playback Z.......................................................................................... Complex Tuplets U..................................................................................... Slash Note Positions ?O............................................................................... !New Set Measure Number Dialog Box 2.................................................. !Variable Measure Number Positions x6...................................................... Naming Extracted Parts ~J.......................................................................... Dragging Single Bar Repeats B.................................................................. Respace Staves Dialog Box D.................................................................... Avoid Collisions eL............................................................................ Fill to Bottom of Page D.................................................................... All Remaining Pages F...................................................................... New Features: Transport Window Punch Recording U..................................................................................... 'Using the Cursor to Locate Punch Points @&...................................... !Setting the Punch Points Manually 0................................................ .Locating the Punch Points by Playing the Score ........................... Countoff Bars Z.......................................................................................... Keyboard Thru X........................................................................................ +New Features: Importing Standard MIDI Files The Import File Dialog Box D.................................................................... !Abbreviations for Imported Tracks S9......................................................... Improved Transcription ~J.......................................................................... Avant Garde Overture Supplement 3New Features: Text, Lyric and Page Layout Functions Times Automatic Page Adjustment C................................................................... Auto Wrap Systems G....................................................................... Page Length S................................................................................... 1Changing Measures per System and Systems per Page ................. Text on Remaining Pages G....................................................................... Skip Tied Notes in Lyrics G....................................................................... Metric Measurements LN.............................................................................. Dragging a................................................................................................. New Features: Miscellaneous $Scrolling Playback in Graphic Window 1................................................. DefaultFile ^.............................................................................................. Strip Chart Pencil Tool qK........................................................................... Copying Notes in Graphic Window _8........................................................ Transpose Dialog Box XM............................................................................. Multiple Copies of Same File A................................................................. (Note Names Option in General Preferences +........................................... 0Applying the Same Articulation to Multiple Notes ................................ New Dynamics Palette eL............................................................................ New Dynamic Settings Dialog Box _8........................................................ Bug Fixes General Editing W....................................................................................... Transcription/Recording I......................................................................... Miscellaneous Y......................................................................................... Compatibility Issues IAC Bus U..................................................................................... System 7 and System 7.01 users !=............................................................. System 7.5 and Quickdraw GX >.............................................................. Non-Postscript Printers qK........................................................................... Adobe Type Manager XM............................................................................. Screen Display Problems ?............................................................... Printing Problems qK........................................................................... (Documentation Corrections and Other Tips Documentation Corrections D.................................................................... )di......................................................................................................... Updating your OMS Setup !=............................................................. Eliminating Screen Residue :;........................................................... Drum Maps T.................................................................................... 'Caps Lock Key and the Step Input Window r".................................. "Overture Support Services Pamphlet -............................................. Avant Garde Overture Supplement Introduction Introduction Times &PThis is a supplementary document to the Overture Reference Manual. It describes *6Snew features included for the first time in Overture, bugs fixed from previous ver- *79sions, and known bugs to be fixed in subsequent releases. *hOOne of the exciting new developments in Overture is the optimization for Power *6LMacintosh computers, resulting in much faster performance for the following functions: Edit operations Redraw of the screen )K)Scroll, search, and relocation operations )K.Import and export of large Standard MIDI Files Helvetica &$Figure 1.1: this is the dummy figure Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window New Features: The Score Window Times &KThis chapter explains new Overture features pertaining to the Score Window. Zapf Dingbats The Setup Track Dialog Box &f8x Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window E)Automatic Display for Whole Measure Rests Times gPIn previous versions of Overture, empty measures could not be automatically dis- *6Rplayed with whole measure rests. Two new options control this behavior. Selecting Options>Sho w>Filled Measur e Rests &enables the display of empty measures &Gwith whole measure rests for the entire score. However, the new option Filled Rests )r* in the Staff section in the Setup Track dialog box ( Figure ) enables or &Rdisables this behavior for each staff. For example, in a system containing a bass and treble clef: Helvetica )K>Place the cursor in the staff with the treble clef and choose Helvetica Black Score>Setup Track q*Overture opens the Setup Track dialog box. De-select the Filled Rests option and click the button. )KSetup Track q*Overture opens the Setup Track dialog box. Select the Filled Rests option and click the button. Selecting Options>Sho w>Filled Measur e Rests !displays whole measure rests for &*the bass clef but not for the treble clef. Show Abbreviation gUIn previous versions of Overture, suppressing the display for a track s abbreviation *6Prequired deleting the abbreviation previously entered in the Setup Track dialog *6%box. By de-selecting the new option, viation , abbreviations do not display for that track. Flat Beams fOSlanted beams displayed on a computer monitor often look more jagged than when *6Rprinted on a PostScript printer. Flat beams may be displayed by selecting the new Flat Beams ' option in the Setup Track dialog box ( Figure )@J: Percussion tracks default to Flat Beams. For example, selecting drums & from the Instrument 8pop-up menu in the Setup Track dialog box automatically selects the Flat Beams option. Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats )h'Extending Accidentals to End of Measure KeyCapsFLF Times Pclicking a note with an Accidental tool applies that accidental to all notes of &Pthe same pitch for the remainder of the measure. You may wish to make a note of *6Pthis in Tool Overview on page 78 of the Reference Manual where the Accidental tool is first introduced. Helvetica Figure 2.2: )5$king notes with the Accidental tools Set Stem Height Dialog Box Notes>Stem>Default Stem Length menu item has been re-named Notes>Stem>Set Stem Height ,and causes Overture to open the Stem Height dialog box ( Figure Figure 2.3: w Stem Height dialog bo king an accidental without the king an accidental applies to 7+all notes of same pitch in the same measure y held do wn applies to that note only ?303?331 03030331 13031331 0|<8xp |>8xp 3#2fd` 330~8` 332bL` Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats Meter Font Times &ROverture now supports special font, size, and style attributes for the display of meters. Helvetica Choose Helvetica Black Options>Preferences q*Overture opens the Preferences dialog box. Select Fonts 7from the pop-up menu in the top left of the dialog box. Overture displays the Fonts Preferences options ( Figure Figure 2.4: onts Pref erences options Click the Select button beside Meter Font q+Overture opens the Select Font dialog box ( Figure Figure 2.5: Select F ont dialog bo ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffd`0ff0 ff``Set Meter Overture opens the Set Meter dialog Figure Figure 2.6: Selecting an Alter nate F ont in the Set Meter dialog bo Select the Alternate Font option ( Figure qEOverture uses the font, style, and size characteristics specified in step 4 to denote the meter. Zapf Dingbats )h"Automatic Double Bar at Key Change Times &PDouble bar lines may now be automatically inserted before key changes by select- *6#ing the General Preferences option Add Double Bar f )a ey Change 3&ffdg &fF33038 33030 ?3030 03030 13030 30>0x| @0#32f` @0330~` @0330`` @1332b` Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats Beat Charts Global Activation with Shift Key Times gPBeat charts are normally displayed for only the current measure and staff. Beat *6TCharts can now be globally activated and de-activated for the current staff by hold- *6&ing down the shift key when selecting Options>Sho w>Beat Charts )@G: Holding down the shift key when using the normal Beat Chart keyboard equivalent ( KeyCapsFLF /) effects the same behavior. 16th Note Resolution gNBeat chart resolution has been extended to display spacing for 16th notes. By *6 choosing Measur ustify 4before or after displaying the beat chart, the beat &Tchart dynamically displays according to the note values present in the measure. For *7Vexample, if the smallest note value in the measure is an 8th note, the beat chart dis- *6)plays 8th note resolution after choosing Measur ustify . Beat charts display &J16th note resolution for note values equal to and smaller than 16th notes. Trill Playback &RTrill playback can now be modified by double clicking on the trill character. The dialog box in Figure opens: Helvetica Figure 2.7: w Set ill dialog bo &1The trill is played for the duration of the note within t he pitch Interval (whole or &+half step) using note durations set by the Rate option Diatonic option sets the trill to 1 diatonic interval above t he trilled note ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats Complex Tuplets Times &POverture now handles two new complex tuplet figures: nested tuplets and tuplets *6 containing different durations. Nested Tuplets gMNested tuplets are most commonly used to play the triplet figure depicted in Figure )>'. To create this nested triplet figure: Helvetica )K9Enter 1 eighth note, 3 sixteenth notes and 1 eighth note. )KQUse the tuplet tool to convert the 3 sixteenth notes into a 3 in the time of 2 *2%tuplet figure (conventional triplet). )KMUse the tuplet tool again to convert the eighth notes and the sixteenth note *29triplet figure into a 3 in the time of 2 tuplet figure. The Nested tuplet pattern in Figure results. &QThe 3 sixteenth note triplets occupy the same amount of time as 1 eighth note of *6Rthe triplet figure because the sixteenth notes were already a triplet figure when *6?they were nested into the enclosing eighth note triplet figure. Figure 2.8: Nested and mix ed dur ation tuplet gures Mixed Duration Tuplets gTOverture now allows a selection containing different durations to be converted into *6Ra tuplet. The resulting durations are calculated as if each duration was the only *6&duration being converted. For example: )K9Enter 1 eighth note, 2 sixteenth notes and 1 eighth note. )KUUse the tuplet tool to convert the entire 4 note passage into a 3 in the time of 2 *2%tuplet figure (conventional triplet). The mixed duration tuplet in Figure results. &RThe 2 sixteenth notes occupy the same amount of time as 1 eighth note of the trip- *6Vlet figure because they were not triplets prior to their inclusion in the eighth note triplet figure. Nested tuplet ed dur ation tuplet Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats Slash Note Positions Times &JSlashes and rhythmic slash symbols entered from the Step Input Window now *6Thave their own handle to control their displayed position on each staff. The handle is visible when Options>Sho w>Slash Note P ositions is checked (located beneath Lyric Positions @ option). The handle is displayed at the left of each staff and &Gmay be dragged in the same manner as chord and lyric position handles. Helvetica Figure 2.9: op-up men u in Step Input Windo w with slash and rh ythmic slash &QThe position at which the slash note is displayed is independent from the played *6Qpitch (or pitches if a chord has been entered). Slash symbols may be transposed, *6Eaffecting the played pitch, without changing the displayed position. *hLNOTE: Page 299 of the Reference Manual states that rhythmic slashes do not *6Shave any definite pitch. Although all notes for each staff are represented by the *60same pitch, the played pitches can be different. Figure 2.10: o adjacent sta es with diff !erent slash note handle positions ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ythmic slash Slash )U staff ma "y independently position the slash K% note handle without changing the pla ed pitch. Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats )7 ew Set Measure Number Dialog Box !Enclosures Around Measure Numbers Times gNOverture now allows enclosures around measure numbers. Select the Enclosure option in the Set Measur e Number dialog box depicted in Figure to enable this feature. Positioning Option gOTwo grey lines are provided in the Set Measure Number dialog box for reference *6Gwhen positioning measure numbers. Measure numbers may still be dragged individually. Helvetica Figure 2.11: ):Cw enclosure and positioning options in Set Measure Number dialog bo 8x0 1 3#2fq 13&fa `<|8x <>f8x Enclosure around measure n umber Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats )h!Variable Measure Number Positions Times &5Measure numbers inserted using the Set Measure Number dialog box ( Figure &Pare now positioned relative to the current staff not the top staff. For example: Helvetica )KFSet measure numbers for the top staff beginning at measure 1, every 5 *2 measures. )KIFor the next staff, set measure numbers beginning at measure 24, every 2 *2 measures. The measure numbers first entered )&-aintain their numbering and position but are superseded a '8t measure 24 by the newly entered interval and position. Naming Extracted Parts &QOverture automatically uses the track name to create the file name for extracted parts. Dragging Single Bar Repeats Single Bar Repeat 1 symbol may now be dragged vertically as well as horizontally. Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Zapf Dingbats Respace Staves Dialog Box Times &RThe Respace Staves dialog box is a powerful new addition to Overture. It works in *6Sconjunction with the Engraver Preferences to provide even more flexibility in page *6*layout. The new dialog box is depicted in Figure below. Helvetica Figure 2.12: w Respace Sta es dialog bo spaces between sta spaces between systems , and spaces between )dL fields are identical to the first three Engraver Preferences fields. These &Sfields acquire their initial values from the Engraver Preferences when Overture is *6Klaunched and when a new document is opened. Otherwise, they are an indepen- *6Odently manipulated set of specifications designed to selectively over-ride the Engraver Preferences. The next three options, oid collisions Fill to bottom of page , and All r emain- & ing pages ) are discussed in the following sections. 23&f@ c3??3 c3003 c2113 23&f@ c3??3 c3003 c2113 23&f@ c3??3 c3003 c2113 00ffg 00ffc 00ffa 323302ffd @0#32f` @0330~` @0330`` @1332b` Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: The Score Window Avoid Collisions Times Selecting oid collisions 39 insures that notes on neighboring staves do not collide &Qwith each other. This is accomplished by over-riding the staff, system and group spacing if necessary. Fill to Bottom of Page Selecting Fill to bottom of page 6 uses the available space on a partially full page to &Sevenly space the staves. This is accomplished by over-riding the staff, system and group spacing if necessary. All Remaining Pages Selecting All r emaining pages 6 applies the specifications set in the Respace Staves dialog box to the current page all remaining pages. When All r )b emaining pages )wD is not selected, the specifications apply only to the current page. Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window New Features: Transport Window Times &CThis chapter discusses new features in Overture s Transport Window: Punch Recording Countoff Bars )K#Thru Instrument and Current Program Zapf Dingbats Punch Recording Punch Krecording is a technique developed by recording studios to fix mistakes in &Oan otherwise acceptable performance without re-recording the entire track. The *6Mmusician begins playing anywhere prior to the location of the first mistake. *6NRecording commences only when the engineer punches in, preserving the music *7Qpreceding the punch in point. After the last mistake has been recorded over, the *6Lengineer punches out, preserving the music following the punch out point. *hQPunch recording has become an essential feature in professional MIDI sequencers, *6Psuch as Vision, and is now available in Overture. Punch recording is enabled by *6Ndefining a Punch Region bounded by Punch In and Punch Out points and by *6:pressing the Punch Record button in the Transport Window ( Figure 3.2 on page )2M). With the cursor located prior to the Punch In point, the Record button is pressed in the normal manner. 0Overture begins playback at the location of the &Qcursor but begins recording only when the Punch In point is encountered and ends *6Rrecording at the Punch Out point. This allows the musician to get into the flow *6Qwithout over-writing music outside the Punch Region or needing any assistance to *7&punch in and out at the correct times. Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window Times .QThree useful methods to set Punch points are discussed in the following sections: )K'Using the cursor to locate Punch Points )K!Setting the Punch Points manually )K.Locating the Punch Points by playing the score )]CWhichever method is used, Punch Recording is enabled only when the )l h Record Eutton is hilited. Refer to the steps and figures that follow. Record- .?ing is discussed in detail on page 187 of the Reference Manual. IMPOR In pr evious versions of Overtur e, the Macintosh keys e used to r everse and advance r espectively thr ough the chor ds in the Chor Input W indow ith the addition of h Recording to Overtur e and a desir e to .7maintain consistency with the key equivalents used in V ision, the keys perform and h Out functions. When the dir ections r .+the Punch In button you may use the keystr oke equivalent When the dir tions r 0ess the Punch Out button you may use the keystr oke equivalent The keys e now used in the Chor d Input W indow to r everse and advance thr ough the chor )Q6ou may wish to make a note of this on page 250 of the Refer ence Manual wher e key equivalents for the Chor b d Input W indow ar discussed. M'Using the Cursor to Locate Punch Points gPThe first method uses the location of the cursor in either the Score or Graphic *6#Window to derive the punch points. Helvetica )KPIn either the Score or Graphic Window, locate the Punch In point by placing the *2 cursor at the desired location. Press the Helvetica Black Punch In button ( Figure yFThe Bar, Beat and Units numericals reflect the location of the cursor. yBFigure 3.1: Setting the Punch In point in the new Transport Window )KMIn either the Score or Graphic Window, locate the Punch Out point by placing *2#the cursor at the desired location. 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A w Punch In Button Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window Helvetica Press the Helvetica Black Punch Out ! button on the Transport Window ( Figure qFThe Bar, Beat and Units numericals reflect the location of the cursor. Press the Punch Record u% button to activate Punch Recording ( Figure Figure 3.2: (Setting the Punch Out location and activ ating Punch Recording E!Setting the Punch Points Manually Times gRThe second method operates directly on the Bar, Beat, and Units numericals in the *6NTransport Window assuming the user knows precisely where to punch in and out. )KMSet the Punch In point by clicking in the top row of the Bar, Beat and Units numericals ( Figure )KJWith the mouse button depressed, move the mouse up or down to increase or decrease the numerical. *?KYou may also type a number on the Macintosh keyboard after clicking in the numerical. )KHSet each relevant numerical to precisely describe the Punch In location. Figure 3.3: Setting the Punch In location 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A Punch Record Button activ Punch Out Button 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A Units Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window Helvetica Set the Helvetica Black Punch Out 6 location using the techniques described in step 2 by qBoperating on the lower row of the Bar, Beat, and Units numericals. Figure 3.4: Setting the Punch Out location )K)Activate Punch Recording by pressing the Punch Record button ( Figure q The button becomes hilited when Times Punch Record is active. Figure 3.5: Activ )P"ating Punch Recording with Punch P oints set E.Locating the Punch Points by Playing the Score gPPunch points are also easily located and set using the playback controls in the Trans port Window. )K6Place the cursor prior to the desired Punch In point. Press the )a3 button on the Transport Window to begin playback ( Figure Press the )h: button in the Transport Window when playback reaches the Punch In point. 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A Units 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A Punch Record Button activ Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window Helvetica Press the Helvetica Black Punch In button ( Figure qGThe Bar, Beat, and Units numericals reflect the location of the cursor. Figure 3.6: Setting Punch points b y using the pla k controls Press the button to resume playback. )K/When the Punch Out point is reached, press the )h button. q-The cursor is located at the Punch Out point. Press the Punch Out button ( Figure ) to set the Punch Out point. qGThe Bar, Beat, and Units numericals reflect the location of the cursor. )K)Activate Punch Recording by pressing the Punch Record button ( Figure Zapf Dingbats Countoff Bars Times Countoff Bars V@ allow musicians to begin recording at the correct tempo by pre- &Iviewing the metronome before recording. Overture supports a maximum of 8 countoff bars. After the Record 2 button is pressed, the metronome ticks the speci- &Qfied number of countoff bars at the current tempo before beginning recording. To *6.set the number of countoff bars, click in the Countoff numerical and either type a &Knumber from the Macintosh keyboard or drag up or down. See page 485 in the *6=Reference Manual for a complete discussion of the metronome. Figure shows the new numerical. Figure 3.7: Countoff bars n ical in anspor Windo 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A o Punch In Button y Button Stop Button o Punch Out Button Punch Record b utton activ 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A Countoff n Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window Zapf Dingbats Keyboard Thru Times &>This section presents background information about Overture eyboard &Joption for users who are unfamiliar with the concept. An understanding of )S3board Thru is essential before introducing the new ent Pr ogram feature. &FThose readers familiar with Keyboard Thru may proceed to the section, Thru Instrument and Current Program on page E-What is Keyboard Thru and why is it useful? fLThe most common setup for a MIDI computer system uses a single keyboard syn- *76thesizer connected to a computer by a MIDI interface. Figure depicts this simple arrangement: Helvetica Figure 3.8: Simple MIDI con ation with a k yboard synthesiz er connected to a computer )KGWhen the keyboard is played, sound is produced by it s internal synthe- *6Isizer. MIDI information is sent from the keyboard s MIDI OUT jack to the *6%computer through the MIDI interface. )KGWhen MIDI information is sent from the computer through the MIDI inter- *6Aface, into the keyboard s MIDI IN jack, sound is produced by the synthesizer. &PThis simple arrangement allowing both the musician and the computer to play the *6Nsynthesizer is not possible for MIDI instruments that don t produce their own onboard sound such as wind, guitar, drum pad, and keyboard controllers. If such *6Oa controller is connected to a sound module, and the sound module is connected *6Qthrough the MIDI interface to the computer, then the undesirable condition illus- trated by Figure occurs: Figure 3.9: No connection possib or computer to sound module Computer yboard Synthesiz MIDI Interf Computer MIDI Interf MIDI Contr oller Sound Module Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window Times )KIWhen the controller is played, MIDI information is sent to the sound mod- *67ule s MIDI IN jack causing the module to create sound. )KEThe sound module also transmits the MIDI information received at the *63MIDI IN jack to the computer by the MIDI THRU jack. However The computer CAN NOT 0 play MIDI information back to the sound module &because the module s MIDI IN jack has ALREADY BEEN USED by the MIDI controller. The Solution: Keyboard Thru f%This problem is solved by Overture eyboard feature. The correct config- &%uration of devices is illustrated in Figure Helvetica Figure 3.10: Connection to sound module enab led b yboard )KLThe controller is connected directly to the computer by the MIDI interface. *6HMIDI information is transmitted to the computer but no sound is created. With )p Options>K eyboard )o* selected, Overture receives the incoming JMIDI information but also routes it back to the MIDI IN jack on the sound *6Imodule through the MIDI interface. The controller plays the sound module the software despite the lack of a direct connection! )KDDuring playback, Overture outputs MIDI information through the MIDI *6Jinterface to the sound module s MIDI IN jack, causing it to produce sound. )@E: The preceding discussion intentionally omits more complicated MIDI &Jinterfaces and configurations to illustrate the concept of Keyboard Thru. Computer MIDI Interf MIDI Contr oller Sound Module MIDI In Avant Garde Overture Supplement New Features: Transport Window E#Thru Instrument and Current Program Times g&In previous versions of Overture, the Thru Instrument pop-up menu, on the &NTransport Window, selected the MIDI channel for instruments going Over- ture. The new pop-up menu, ent Pr ogram #, selects a program number for the &.Thru Instrument on the selected MIDI channel. Figure depicts the new pop-up &Omenu. See page 186 of the Reference Manual for more details on the Thru Instru- ment pop-up menu. Helvetica Figure 3.11: Current Prog am and u Instr ument pop-ups in the anspor Windo &JGeneral MIDI Program names may be displayed in the Current Program pop-up menu by holding down the KeyCapsFLF + keys prior to clicking the pop-up. Future &Nversions of Overture will integrate the OMS Name Manager which systematically *6Ndisplays program names by subscribing to patch documents created in librarian *6$programs (such as Opcode s Galaxy). Figure 3.12: Gener al MIDI Prog am names from the Current Prog am pop-up 5RIR@ 5UURIBB( ;UUr&A @5rR! Current Prog am pop-up u Instr ument pop-up ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" I(H},H :B'1 I&HE(H I!HE(H :B'1 9!I(J@ 'I&z@ E)I!B@ 9'I.2@ / @D@@ / @D@L 0 @D@D / @D@D D@x)IJ@ RH:Nc AHJB)( D@E)IJ @D@AJ !IHR@ ,H* I !IJR@ @D@E% JB,HR ))JB(I JB(JR RB,HR %I !) 8 @D@D D@U11 IIJJ@ Q(`E :@ D@AyJJ I)PE J@ D@AAJJ@ D@A'; @$@A)bR @D@A)B @E)BR g0A'g %$!!H $@y%% Q" ! H |,IJJB @E(IJJR I$%! !(IJ@ %)H},H @D@Az =(HE(H !)HE(H ,%%!4 @DD!("!! ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Avant Garde Overture Supplement *ew Features: Importing Standard MIDI Files ew Features: Importing Standard MIDI Files Times &QThis chapter explains new Overture features pertaining to the import of Standard *6QMIDI Files. New features in the Import File dialog box are discussed followed by )K/Other new features relevant to importing files. Zapf Dingbats The Import File Dialog Box Helvetica Figure 4.1: New Import File dialog box 08FfH 3303081 330c0 Impor t options emplate P op-up Avant Garde Overture Supplement *ew Features: Importing Standard MIDI Files E"Apply Import Options to All Tracks Times gSOption-clicking a track s import options fields (Voices, Split, Quantize, and Tran- *6Qscribe) applies that setting to the current track and all subsequent tracks. See Figure above. Clef Import Option fRThe type of clef desired for the imported track may now be assigned in the Import *7UFile dialog box. The clef type is changed by single clicking in the Clef field. Each *6Hclick changes the type between treble, bass, alto, tenor, and perc. See Figure above. Percussive Tracks +KdPTracks imported with the perc. (percussive track) clef type are now displayed *6Qwith respect to the current drum map. The imported pitches are still played, but *6Rthey are displayed on the percussive clef in the positions designated in the drum map. E Pop-up Menu for Import Templates gPOverture now allows the creation of templates that facilitate importing similar *6RStandard MIDI Files. Templates are created in an Overture score using any specifi- *6Tcations useful for importing similar file types. The template score is usually, but *7Tnot necessarily, empty of notes. For example, a drum track might be useful to store *6Pin a template if other, non-percussive parts are being imported. The drum track *6Qshould be kept in a track not mapped for import. Templates are commonly used for *6Simporting files with similar instrumentation, key signatures, page layout, or clef structure. *hPIn the folder containing the Overture application, there is a Templates folder. *7TInside the Templates folder, there is a new Import folder. Template files placed in *6Kthe Import folder may be used when importing Standard MIDI Files or Vision *60sequences. These files are displayed in the new emplate pop-up menu in the Import File dialog box ( Figure )?-). Select a template from the pop-up menu or for no template.There is a file supplied with Overture called Test Import *68that can be used to examine the effects of this feature. Avant Garde Overture Supplement *ew Features: Importing Standard MIDI Files Optimize Staves Option Times gRWhen selected, this option suppresses the display of staves that contain no track data. For example: *iTAn import template is used that contains a bass and treble clef for a piano part on *6Rstaves 6 and 7. However, the imported file contains just 5 tracks that map to the *6Rfirst 5 staves. The bass and treble staves designated for the piano in the import *6Otemplate are not displayed after the file is imported because no data has been applied to them. Zapf Dingbats )h!Abbreviations for Imported Tracks &FIf the track name in an imported Standard MIDI File is the same as an Overture &Itrack name, and an abbreviation has been designated for this track name, Overture &=automatically uses the appropriate abbreviation. For example: *hUA track named Flute is imported to a track in Overture. If there already exists an *6ROverture track named Flute with abbreviation , Overture automatically uses as the abbreviation for the imported track. If the name of the track isn't recog- *6Onized, Overture uses the imported track s full name instead of an abbreviation. Improved Transcription &PImported tracks undergo a much more rigorous transcription than in previous ver- *6Rsions of Overture. Overture now justifies all measures and recalculates the score *6Ofor each imported track. Information about the highest and lowest note in each *6> @ <>> 03310 `<|8x O F@0 @ <@0x <>f8x @ @ff Avant Garde Overture Supplement *New Features: Text, Lyric and Page Layout Zapf Dingbats Skip Tied Notes in Lyrics Times &+General Preferences contains a new option, Skip ied Notes In L yrics . When the &Xoption is selected, lyrics treat tied notes as a single entity by placing only one word *6%under the tied notes, as depicted in Figure )@': The default state for this option is de-selected and effects the old behavior. Helvetica Figure 5.3: ics with Skip Tied Notes In L ics de-selected and selected Metric Measurements &NBoth the Floating Ruler and the Page Dimensions dialog box now allow a choice *6Dbetween inches and centimeters for the display of measurement units. )KJClick the units display in the Page Dimensions dialog box (only partially *6 shown in Figure )?3) to switch between the two units. You may wish to Jmake a note of this in Page Size Controls on page 360 of your Reference Manual. Figure 5.4: age Dimensions dialog bo x allo )W ws displa y of inches or centimeters BA3c3 )G"k the units display to toggle betw een inches and centimeter f&ff1 3?331 30331 31331 Avant Garde Overture Supplement *New Features: Text, Lyric and Page Layout Times )KFClick anywhere within the Floating Ruler to switch between inches and *6Hcentimeters. You may wish to make a note of this in Floating Ruler *6"page 477 of your Reference Manual. Helvetica Figure 5.5: Changing betw q0een inches and centimeters in the Floating Ruler Zapf Dingbats Dragging &KThe following improvements have been made concerning dragging items in the Score Window. )KHDragging a piece of text now moves the text, not an outline of the text. )KKDynamics, crescendos, text, repeats, chords, and picts may be selected and dragged as a group. )KFDynamics, crescendos/decrescendos, and rehearsal marks can be dragged *6Ianywhere but retain their track assignments. To change the track associa- *6+tion, they must be deleted and re-inserted. KeyCapsFLF )Y@-dragging now copies chords, crescendos, single track dynamics, +notes, all text, tempo, single bar repeats. -dragging copies and con- Ostrains movement to either the horizontal or vertical direction (the direction first dragged). )YA-dragging dynamics no longer moves all dynamics in the score, as Idiscussed on page 125 of the Reference Manual. This is due to the use of )Y7-dragging to copy symbols as discussed above. Manually Aclick the dynamics you wish to move and drag them with the mouse. Geneva Click in ruler to toggle between inches and centimeters. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ew Features: Miscellaneous ew Features: Miscellaneous Times &RThis chapter explains miscellaneous new Overture features that don t fit into any particular category. Zapf Dingbats )h$Scrolling Playback in Graphic Window &OIn previous versions, Overture scrolled only the Score Window during playback. *6JNow Overture also scrolls the Graphic Window during playback of the score. DefaultFile &RIf you frequently use particular scoring conventions, you may create a score with *6Tthe desired characteristics and save it with the name DefaultFile. If DefaultFile *6Sis placed in the same folder as the Overture application, an untitled copy is auto- *61matically opened every time Overture is launched by double clicking the application icon l@. Scoring conventions commonly used in creating the DefaultFile & include: Staff names and abbreviations Staff grouping and spacing )K/Measures/System and Systems/Page specifications )K!Clef assignments in staff systems &SAnything may be saved in the DefaultFile, including specific parts. For example, a *6Uparticular drum track may be used in several scores by saving it in the DefaultFile. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ew Features: Miscellaneous Times &TThis is similar to the Stationery Pad feature of the Macintosh.For more information *6Babout the Stationery Pad feature, see your Macintosh User s Guide. )Q: There is no space between Default and File. Choosing ile>New &2does not automatically load DefaultFile. Choosing ile>Open to open DefaultFile &9results in opening the actual file, not an untitled copy. *hUAny Overture file may still be launched directly by double-clicking the desired file. Zapf Dingbats Strip Chart Pencil Tool Holding down the KeyCapsFLF ey when using the Strip Chart P encil in the Graphic &LWindow to enter Controller values causes a pop-up menu to appear. Selection *6Tamong all valid values allows greater precision in entering that controller s data. *6@This feature is not active for Channel or Polyphonic Aftertouch. Helvetica &1Figure 6.1: New pop-up menu for controller values #3$`? 32f`? UUV F Avant Garde Overture Supplement ew Features: Miscellaneous Zapf Dingbats Copying Notes in Graphic Window Times &OIn previous versions of Overture, notes in the Graphic Window could be dragged *6Mto a new pitch as discussed on page 216 of the Reference Manual. You may now *6Qoption-drag a note in the Graphic Window to copy it to a new pitch with the same *6Tduration. When multiple notes are selected, the transposition amount applied to the *7Knote being option-dragged also applies to the other notes in the selection. Transpose Dialog Box &3The Transpose dialog box has changed slightly. The Number of Steps numerical &3discussed in the manual has been replaced by a new Inter pop-up menu. The &OTranspose dialog box is discussed on page 440 of the Reference Manual. The new dialog box is depicted in Figure Helvetica Figure 6.2: anspose dialog bo x with Inter al pop-up detached to sho w all options Multiple Copies of Same File &8Overture does not open multiple copies of the same file. 332ff 338ff 33&ff 338c0 330c0 330c0 330c0 330c0 0 ffFff ff`y3 ff`]3 f&`C3 Avant Garde Overture Supplement ew Features: Miscellaneous Zapf Dingbats )7/pplying the Same Articulation to Multiple Notes Times &QTablature, articulation, and note head tools can now be applied to many notes at once. Helvetica )K$Select the notes you want to modify. Tear off the desired palette. *?RThis is very important. The feature only works when the palette has been torn off. Hold down KeyCapsFLF &nd double-click on the desired button. qLAll the selected notes change immediately to reflect the button you clicked. &TThis feature is extremely useful if you have many notes that you wish to convert to tablature. New Dynamics Palette &OOverture now supports the display of crescendo and decrescendo marks, as words *61instead of as symbols, from the dynamics palette. Figure 6.4: Crescendo symbols or w ords are no w suppor The words and have been added to the Dynamics Palette. Figure 6.5: w Dynamics P alette ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Avant Garde Overture Supplement ew Features: Miscellaneous Zapf Dingbats New Dynamic Settings Dialog Box Times &)The bottom two entries in each column of Figure )? are new entries to this dialog Helvetica Figure 6.6: w Dynamic Settings dialog bo ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" ffffff ffff33 ff33ff ff3333 33ffff 33ff33 3333ff 333333 wwwwww UUUUUU DDDDDD """""" Avant Garde Overture Supplement ug Fixes ug Fixes Times >his chapter documents all significant bugs fixed since the release of Overture 1.0. &7The bug fixes are organized into functional categories: General Editing Transcription/Recording Miscellaneous Bug Fixes Zapf Dingbats General Editing Cut, Copy and Paste )K/Deleting tracks on large scores works properly. )K:Slurs over multiple voices are no longer lost when pasted. Edit>P aste Special ( no longer erases existing chord symbols )KEPaste Special no longer pastes items not selected in the dialog box. :asting grace notes and beamed grace notes works correctly. )K>Clefs no longer move when notes are pasted into their measure. )K-Screen update after pasting has been improved )K@The Track List Window retains names pasted into the name fields. >ext boxes are correctly framed around text that has been moved )KDTempo markings can now be selected even when they are not being dis- *7Jplayed. Selecting by either dragging over their location, double-clicking *6Kthe measure, or triple clicking the staff displays the tempo marking. Once *61selected, they may be copied and pasted normally. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ug Fixes yrics Times )K#The Lyric Window has been enlarged. )KJSystems with justified lyrics that touch no longer cause a crash when the lyrics are edited. )K8Justification has been improved when lyrics are present. )KAStarting lyrics with a space allows the first note to be skipped. e>Redraw P )H/ menu option now correctly redraws the page in Fthe Score Window when the Lyric Window is open. Previously, the Lyric *67Window itself was re-drawn instead of the Score Window. )K%Lyrics may now be dragged vertically. )K2Lyric positions no longer appear on hidden staves. Page Layout/Alignment Changes to core length are )orrectly displayed in the Graphic Window. )K1Notes scaled to 25% may now be properly selected. )R Alignment option in the Page Text dialog now correctly aligns 0the text within the text rectangle in the score. )KHBeat Charts have been enhanced to allow better handling of accidentals, *6:tuplets, and clefs. Beat Chart handles are shown even for empty measures. )KIThe correct number of measures are added to the end of a score according *61to the options set in the Layout Page dialog box. )KLSlurs attached to different voices in a single staff adjust correctly after *7(changing Layout Page dialog box options. )K+Deleting pages no longer affects page text. )KDChanging a note s rhythmic value and then justifying works properly. )KHEditing Layout Page dialog box options no longer causes a program crash. )K1Margins are now properly recognized for printing. Measur es>Rebar 1 command no longer encounters problems with ties crossing measure boundaries. )KGSpacing has been improved for un-beamed, neighboring eighth notes with accidentals. )K#Several problems with wrapping mult -bar rests ave been fixed. )KFWrapping bars on large scores doesn t interfere with system layout on subsequent pages. )K>Printing multi-bar rests works correctly at all staff scalings Avant Garde Overture Supplement ug Fixes Times )KMPage View options (horizontal, vertical, single) are correctly saved with an Overture file. )K/Global changes to staff spacing made using the KeyCapsFLF key correctly affect subsequent pages. )KFOverture retains page layout settings when pages are deleted from the beginning of a file. ragging )KDBeat Charts and barline handles can be dragged when other items are beneath them. )KEThe abbreviated track name may be dragged without requiring the full name on the screen. )K?Dragging rehearsal marks on extracted parts now works properly. )KFDragging a chord element into the trash from the Chord Edit Window no longer causes a program crash. )KKDragging notes in a percussion track works properly even without the notes being mapped. )KLItems being dragged in the Score Window respond less sensitively to initial *6=mouse movements and move correctly in the direction dragged. )KDTempo markings and system text may be dragged properly when located on top of invisible staves. )K=Dynamics applied to multiple staves may be dragged correctly. )K;Dynamics dragged to the left of a barline behave correctly. )KFDragging the number associated with first or second endings no longer loses the new location. Stems )KMStem directions that have been explicitly set retain their directions when a new key signature is set. )KKStem directions that have been explicitly set retain their directions when pasted elsewhere in the score. )K>Notes moved to an earlier staff correctly display their stems. )K=Flipping the stem direction of a slurred note works properly. )KHDragging the stem of a note whose stem ended in another track no longer causes display problems. )KHThe stem of a note whose note head has been hidden no longer moves from the proper location. )KFWhen using the Step Window for Step Input, forced stem directions and *7$beaming work correctly in all cases. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ug Fixes Times )KINotes on the second leger line above or below the staff have the correct stem length. )K,Stem height may now be set for beamed notes. )K.Changes to stem height are correctly retained. )K2Stems appear correctly for eighth notes in chords. Beams )KJNotes above the second leger line above a staff or below the second leger *7"line below a staff beam correctly. )KHThe default beaming pattern for 5/4 meter has been changed to 4 + 4 + 2. )K&Cross-staff beaming has been improved. )KBCross-staff beaming works correctly with respect to stem direction and changing key signatures )KDNudging a note in a beamed group of notes no longer causes beaming distortion. )K.Editing beamed tuplet figures works correctly. )K2Tuplets are no longer displayed crunched together. Beaming a Aloisen E e D pattern works correctly. )KHBeams across barlines used to show all beams. Now only the primary beam is shown as indicated in Figure Helvetica Figure 7.1: #New beam appearance across bar line )KEditing operations no longer leave the ball spinning on screen )K5Slurs move correctly when their notes are transposed. )K>Changing key signatures no longer causes chords to transpose. )KLCreating a text box that causes scrolling no longer causes a program crash. )K@With all tracks expanded in the Track Window, the bottom of the %pop-up menu is now always accessible. )KNInserting a left repeat and then setting a key signature no longer causes the *67key signature's accidentals to cover the repeat's dots. )KIChanging the voice of a note in a chord no longer causes a program crash. )KAClicking on text with multiple notes selected no longer causes a rash. )KKIf a coda symbol occurs in the bar before a new key signature, the new key *6:signature s cancelled accidentals are no longer corrupted. )K The presence of a multi-measure rest n )m"o longer prevents repeat symbols, 5such as Coda or Fine, from being movable or removable )K7Multi-measure rests can now have more than 99 measures. In the Repeats dialog box (Measur es>Set Repeats ), there is a Ibutton used to scale the inserted symbols. The coda symbol is now scaled *71proportionately with the other inserted symbols. )K@Default gap for glissandos and ties has been increased slightly. )KFThe spacing of Key Signatures has been improved. Problems with cancel- ling the Set Key dialog box have been fixed. )K>Compound meters are correctly displayed in the Graphic Window. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ug Fixes Times )KLWhen inserting a clef on a top system that had a key signature, the acciden- *6/tals on the next system are no longer affected. )KKInserting a measure in a large score and then selecting another measure no longer causes a program crash. )K>Overture no longer allows articulations to be placed on rests. )KIGrace note slashes are no longer placed too low on a chord made of grace notes. )K>The notes following a tempo change may now be edited normally. )KIDeleting repeat marks and inserting them elsewhere no longer causes play- back problems. )KISelected individual ties may be nudged using the arrow keys as described *6"in the Overture Manual on page 88. )K:The tuplet tool no longer remains active after being used. )KIThe tuplet bracket no longer disappears when applying tuplets to consecu- tive groups of eighth notes. )KFTuplets applied to a multi-voice track with stems down are positioned below the note. )K9Selected rests may now have their rhythmic value changed. Slurs , beams, and dynamics n 'ow appear correctly for transposed and extracted tracks )KGCross staff ties no longer causes a problem when extracting one of the staves but not the other. )KJSlurs and multi-track dynamics move and retain their positions correctly. )K>Rehearsal text correctly derives its font attributes from the Fonts section in Preferences. Zapf Dingbats ranscription/Recording )KLTranscriptions with multiple tied notes no longer flip ties inappropriately. )KKWhole rests are correctly placed within the measure in transcriptions with non-standard meters. )K6Transcription works properly for non-standard meters. )K'Tuplets are now correctly transcribed. )KJChanging the page display between horizontal or vertical no longer causes *7-real-time recording to cause a program crash. )K&Multi-voice Recording works correctly. )KESlow playback caused by a conflict between OMS 2.0 and QuickTime has been fixed. )KERests occurring in the middle of a triplet pattern are now correctly transcribed. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ug Fixes Zapf Dingbats Miscellaneous Times )K5The pitch range for the instrument designated by the w Note/High set- Kting in the Setup Track dialog box now defaults to the full MIDI range C-2 *6Gto G8. This eliminates problems editing the pitch of notes outside the Note/High A range. Old pieces may still retain a setting which limits pitch editing )KJSome transposition settings in the Setup Track dialog box were off by one *6Ooctave. If an incorrect transposition is encountered in an old score, re-enter *6Jit and the transposition will be correct. This behavior does not apply to *6Htranspositions set in the Tracks Window. Guitar and bass transpositions play correctly. )/Hindow positions for tear-off palettes are now correctly maintained when Kusing multiple monitors. To take advantage of this behavior, it may be nec- essary to generate a new ences file by throwing the current ences )r: file in the trash (or hiding it in a different location). e word minor always visible in the Key Signature dialog box. no longer 7corrupted when saving with no printer driver installed. )K@Large Standard MIDI Files with multiple meters are now imported correctly. )K3Measure numbering works correctly on hidden staves. The Step Input 6Window now correctly displays a pickup measure as mea- sure zero ),Hacintosh keyboard keys in the range are now recognized as chord Froots in the Chord Input Window. The keys and apply sharp and flat symbols respectively. )KFTies across systems works correctly when shift-selecting target notes. )K,The drawing of crescendos now works properly . Dragging a crescendo across pages works correctly )KHNew time or key signatures no longer cause ties from a previous line to collide. )K8Recording Split Point is now remembered if set via MIDI. When restarting with MIDI ough F racks enabled, Overture Kno longer records new tracks using the transposition of the track you last recorded before quitting. )KIIf a score is played containing MIDI volume fade outs, then re-played, *6IOverture no longer uses the MIDI volumes from the end of the score. This *6=bug resulted in some instruments disappearing from the mix. )K.Appletalk and file sharing problems are fixed. )KIPreviously, a document could be dragged to a second monitor but clicking *6Ein the grow box would zoom the window back to the main monitor. Over- *6Hture now displays documents correctly with respect to a second monitor. )K6Extract Parts now works properly with multi-bar rests. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ug Fixes Times )KHWhen extracting parts, measure numbers no longer collide with multi-mea- sure rests. )KFA fermata inserted over a whole note rest may now be moved vertically. )K5The display for transposed tracks has been corrected. )K2Transposing instrument ranges have been corrected. )KIText fonts that are not found during the opening of an Overture document *63are re-mapped to the Times font instead of Chicago. )KCMeasures with large numbers of notes behave normally and no longer *61cause crashes during import or export operations. )K;Grace notes at the end of a measure are now timed correctly )KETremolos now play according to the specifications on page 114 of the *6FOverture Manual. Re-insert tremolos for correct playback on old files. )K Tremolos are centered correctly. ,he Track Window may now be closed using the KeyCapsFLF keystroke. )K&Tied notes with trills play correctly. )KKTranspositions for baritone horn, baritone sax, bass clarinet, contra bass *6Kclarinet, and tenor sax have been corrected in the Setup Track dialog box. )KDKey signatures inserted into transposed tracks now appear correctly. )K$Overture no longer crashes when the is hit with nothing selected in the Score Window. The )k(key also works correctly in the Graphic Window. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ompatibility Issues ompatibility Issues Times &LOpcode appreciates your commitment to composing and notating with Overture. *6QWe hope you will be rewarded by its fast performance, sophisticated feature set, and intuitive user interface. *hSThis chapter discusses compatibility problems in Overture. Please read through the *6Gfollowing sections and make note of the areas that are relevant to you. Zapf Dingbats IAC Bus &NOverture may crash if notes are inserted using a version of OMS that supports *6NInter-Application Communications. This is caused by setting up a where *6Qnotes being sent out of Overture are also being echoed into Overture. The follow- ing steps correct this problem: Helvetica Choose Helvetica Black Options>Enable Input Devices. Overture opens the Enable Input De vices dialog box. )K&De-select the device named IAC Bus. *?TThis eliminates the MIDI feedback loop that occurs if the IAC Bus is accidentally chosen as a MIDI output device. Avant Garde Overture Supplement ompatibility Issues Zapf Dingbats System 7 and System 7.01 users Times &TThe Installer puts the Alois Postscript font in the top level of the System Folder. *6MAlthough the font is accessible from there, you may want to drag it into the Exten )uEsions Folder (System 7 and 7.01) or the Fonts Folder (System 7.1 and &!beyond) for the sake of neatness. System 7.5 and Quickdraw GX &MOverture is compatible with System 7.5, but not with Quick Draw GX. If Quick- *6MDraw GX is installed, disable it using the Extensions Manager in System 7.5. *6HQuickDraw GX is not automatically installed or required with System 7.5. Non-Postscript Printers &QIf you have a non-postscript printer and are not running the Adobe Type Manager, *6Pyou may experience printing problems when both the Alois postscript and Aloisen *6PTrueType fonts are installed. To solve this problem, remove the postscript font *7Pfrom the Fonts folder by following the directions in the Adobe Type Manager sec- *6Ation below that pertains to your version of the Macintosh System. Adobe Type Manager Screen Display Problems gKUsers of Adobe Type Manager (ATM) may encounter display problems with both *6Rthe Aloisen TrueType and Alois Postscript fonts installed. To avoid this problem, *6Premove the Aloisen TrueType font from your System by following the instructions *6=for the system software currently installed on your computer: System 7 and 7.01 Helvetica )K?Double-click to open the System suitcase in your System folder. )K*Double click to open the Aloisen suitcase. )KODrag the Aloisen TrueType font to the trash but do not throw out the bitmapped fonts! *?,Bitmapped fonts have numbers after the name. Avant Garde ZDDKZ Overture Supplement ompatibility Issues System 7.1 and Later Helvetica s-W$t ZDDKZ )K`@H Printing Problems gOA font conflict between the Alois postscript and Aloisen TrueType fonts occurs *6Owhen using a non-postscript printer in conjunction with ATM, resulting in poor *6Kquality printing. To solve this problem, remove the TrueType font from the *6QAloisen font suitcase by following the directions in the Screen Display Problems *7Dsection above that pertains to your version of the Macintosh System. Vjpeg Photo - JPEG AppleMark %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz F}5/D #ESqS^ QuickTime and a Photo - JPEG decompressor are needed to see this picture Vjpeg Photo - JPEG AppleMark %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Xz9f_W1 MsN[4 B+[[{xb Vjpeg Photo - JPEG AppleMark %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz <1h~# Avant Garde Overture Supplement (Documentation Corrections and Other Tips Documentation Corrections and Other Tips Times &RInevitably, in a program as powerful as Overture, there are some mistakes made in *6Screating the documentation. This chapter corrects the few mistakes in the Overture *7KManuals and presents other tips that will help make Overture easier to use. Zapf Dingbats Documentation Corrections Transpose/C3 Offset Numerical f1On page 378 the Reference Manual states that the ranspose/C3 Offset numeri- &Wcals in the Setup Track dialog box affect only extracted parts, not the current score. These numericals )m+have an effect on the current score if the Options>Sho racks ransposed , option is enabled as discussed on page 479 of the Reference Manual. Minor Chord Mistake gPOn pages 331 and 332 of the Reference Manual, the example shows the creation of *6Ra minor chord in the Chord Symbol library, yet a major chord is actually shown on the miniature keyboard. Avant Garde Overture Supplement (Documentation Corrections and Other Tips Step Input Window Shifting Step-Entry Octaves Times +KdSOn page 292, the Reference Manual discusses shifting octaves for the next pitch to *6Qbe step-entered by typing a small to raise the octave displayed in the Pitch *6UIndicator, or by typing a capital to lower the octave. There are two pictures of *6Tthe top of the Step Input Window. The text for the lower of the two pictures has an *7Werror: If the original octave was and you type a capital , the Pitch Indicator *6Rchanges to show that the octave is lowered to The last number should be *6$a as indicated in the corrected Figure below. Helvetica Figure 9.1: +Corrected Step Input Window Pitch Indicator Step-Entry Over-Writes Notes +KdQThe final paragraph on page 63 of the Getting Started with Overture Manual incor- rectly states that Step-Entry MERGES , new notes with previously entered notes in the measure. Step-Entry OVER-WRITES ]¬es as the insertion point proceeds through the measure. Slash Chords with Doubled Root gTSlash chords have an alternate bass note in the root position that differs from the *6Pnote used to name the chord. A slash chord with a doubled root is a slash chord *6Rwith it s alternate bass note duplicated in the upper structure of the chord. For *6Qexample, the slash chord C/B (B, C, E, G) is different than the slash chord with *6Odoubled root CMa7/B (B, C, E, G, B). When creating or editing chord symbols in *7Rthe Chord Symbol Library dialog box, the alternate bass note of a chord should be *6Ndoubled only if the chord will contain the doubled note when entered into the score. *hMThe Chord Symbol Library is discussed in detail on page 320 of the Reference Manual. Moving Chord Symbols gKPage 259 of the Reference Manual incorrectly states that movement of Chord *6WSymbols is constrained to the horizontal or vertical direction they are first dragged. *7KThe Shift key must be pressed before dragging the Chord Symbol to add this constraint. < If the or iginal octa , and y ou type a capital , the Pitch Indicator changes to w that the octa e is lo ered to Avant Garde Overture Supplement (Documentation Corrections and Other Tips Page Dimensions Dialog Box Times gKFigure 25.6 on page 360 of the Reference Manual incorrectly identifies the )NMgins handle as the page dimensions handle (marked by 1. Drag here to change page dimensions, or Editing Chord Symbol Libraries fPIn the section titled Editing Chord Symbol Libraries beginning on page 328 of *7Sthe Reference Manual, it is not clear that changes to the fonts used for chord suf- fixes are )@" saved in the library by clicking Save As . Changes to the chord root saved by clicking Save As % but changes to the chord suffix are saved by clicking Replace Key Equivalent for Beaming gMThe Reference Manual s discussion of the Beam submenu failed to mention that Beam>Ov er Rests & Barlines %option can be accomplished using the KeyCapsFLF &?keystroke after making a selection. This command overrides the 4 Options>A )zO toggle and beams all selected notes smaller than a quarter note and is really just a manual beaming command. Arrow Keys fNIn the Tracks Window, the up and down arrow keys move the numeric to the next *7"and previous tracks, respectively. Dragging clefs fXIf a clef is dragged outside the measure it was inserted in, it retains its association with that measure. Grace Notes fKIf is typed with a note selected, that note is changed to a grace note. Avant Garde Overture Supplement (Documentation Corrections and Other Tips Hand Cursor Times g The Hand cursor, invoked by the KeyCapsFLF keystroke s, appears only when the &Ucursor is positioned over a blank space or a non-draggable object in the score. This *7Pis a correction to the behavior described on page 24 of the Reference Manual in response to the new dragging feature described on page )2 of this & document. inor Misprints )KIOn page 319 of the Reference Manual, the text on the third line from the *6@bottom reads, ve now created a simply Drum Map... Replace with simple )$Jn page 377 of the Reference Manual, the second line refers incorrectly to BFigure 25.7. It should refer to Figure 25.27 depicted on that page Zapf Dingbats Updating your OMS Setup fOChanges made in the OMS Studio Setup document are not reflected until Overture *6Nis re-launched. If the OMS Studio Setup document is changed while Overture is *7Pstill running, quit and re-launch Overture to effect the changes in the new OMS Studio Setup. Eliminating Screen Residue gUIf there are strange or unaccounted for characters on the screen after performing an *6Pediting operation, or if something does not draw properly on the screen, choose Options>Redraw P )H6. This command forces a screen update that eliminates screen residue. E Drum Maps gNWhen first launched, Overture automatically loads a default General MIDI Drum *6JMap. Opcode would like to thank Dr. Norman Weinberg for his assistance in *6Igiving us a standard. His article Guidelines for Drumset Notation Percus Gsive Notes, June 1994 was very useful. We have made our best effort to &Omatch the notehead and staff positions of the various drum notes to his sugges- *6Ktions. Unfortunately, because of the vast numbers of drums, we had to make *6'choices that may be slightly different. Avant Garde Overture Supplement (Documentation Corrections and Other Tips Times &NPlease read page 313 of the Reference manual for more information on Drum Map *6!Libraries and how to change them. E'Caps Lock Key and the Step Input Window g!If the Step Input Window is open: )Z Caps Lock 8 key must be engaged in order to use the letter keys to )change chord roots in the Chords Window. )Y Caps Lock and Shift )g3 keys must be used in order to type and Cchange tools between the arrow cursor and erase tools, respectively )1!verture Support Services Pamphlet gQMany tricks and tips are discussed in the Overture Support Services Pamphlet. It *6Palso lets you know how to contact Opcode in case of a problem. Users with Inter- *6Enet e-mail capability can send Overture questions to opcodes@aol.com. ?769:;+/235D V,) (10! %#-AI 82.34 !&%" .)* 4 "%'(*+- !5$84 @` @` '"(%-# ><0*+ `00p` ?769:;+/235D V,) (10! %#-AI 82.34 !&%" .)* 4 "%'(*+- !5$84 '"(%-# ><0*+ Dream STYFCSHP temp.0001 Fats Domino STYFCSHP rob wenig opcodenig FrameMaker5 5OFST Geneva Zapf Dingbats Times Helvetica Avant Garde t KeyCapsFLF: Aloisen:~ Helvetica Black &s-W$t *ZDDKZ *ZDDKZ I>`@H &s-W$t &s-W$t *ZDDKZ *ZDDKZ *ZDDKZ &s-W$t RAGoQ zPREC "PGFL .FMTS :FNMS